Jase Media Service Podcast
Jase Media Service Podcast
Mother Jones speaks on her birth, her life, and her final resting place
Loretta Rymer Williams, the only Mother Jones re-enactor to have performed at the location of MJ birth and at her final resting place, uses Irish supplied story boards to recount the hardship in Ireland that drove her brother and father to immigrate to Canada. She tells of her travel to America and Canada and eventually her marriage, the sad ending of it, and more hardship. She became a union organizer, perhaps a people raiser as she raised hell about the poor conditions the poor were forced to endure. At the end of a hard life, she is honored where she died and found even greater honors at her final resting place in Mt. Olive, IL, in Union Miner's Cemetery. At the end, she tells a little known tale, not found on the story boards. It is testimony from Brother Joe Ozanic Sr. at her grave and monument which he played a vital role in.