Jase Media Service Podcast
These Podcasts cover a variety of subjects within the history of labor such as Mother Jones and the gun battle in Virden Illinois. We work with labor museums such as the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum in Matewan W. Virginia, and the Friends of Mother Jones museum in Mt. Olive, IL. In addition, we work with Union Miner's Cemetery which is also located in Mt. Olive, IL. Plus, we create videos which can be found on YouTube under Jase Media Service or at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jase+media+service The work we do is free so therefore we are a negative profit company. In our spare time, we promote worthy events by writing press releases and articles. We hope you enjoy our content!
18 episodes
David Hatfield describes hillbillies.
West Virginia David Hatfield explains what he sees as a hillbilly. Please like, share, and subscribe.

Evil Came to West Virginia
David Hatfield tells of the damage done to West Virgina by greedy investors and the damage they did still remains.

A call to action by UMWA President Cecil Roberts
During the October 13, 2024, 125th year celebration of the creation of Union Miners' Cemetery in Mt. Olive, IL, UMWA President Cecil Roberts made the crowd aware that no plaque for the legendary, Irish firebrand, Mother Jones, exists in the AFL...

Matewan West Virginia shoot out
This is Lloyd Tomlinson, PhD, speaking from the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum in West Virginia. The men died in the shoot-out at the OK Corral. Most have heard about it. Ten men died in a shoot-out in Matawan and few know about it by design. T...

West Virginia Mine Wars and the Itialian coal miner.
A short explanation of the Italian coal miner's' background.

Murder by Sheriff
Lloyd Tomlinson, PhD., tells of the murderous legacy of West Virginia Sheriff Don Chafin.

UMWA President speaks on hardship and black lung
This is part of a series featuring Roberts telling the story of mine work.

UMWA President Cecil Roberts speaks on tragedy, leadership, and solidarity.
President Roberts speaks on different aspects of mineworker history in a series of interviews. In this podcast, a section of this interview tells of the tragic events in Ludlow Colorado. He also has some advice for union members.

Joann Condolone speaks on International Mother Jones Day
On April 30, 2023, the Union Miners' Cemetery, Friends of Mother Jones Museum, and the city of Mt. Olive, IL, will present a reenactment of the funeral of Mother Jones in December of 1930 when 40,000 kindred Spirits came to pay their respects. ...

Mother Jones tells of the importance of solidarity among workers
This Podcast is part of a series of Public Service Announcements about unionism and their value. The voice of Mother Jones is Illinois resident, Loretta Rymer Williams.
Season 2
Episode 2

Mother Jones Speaks to Minimum Wage Workers
As part of a seires of grassroots Public Service Announcement, Mother Jones warns minimum wage workers they must join unions before the corporate robber barons makes impossible.
Season 2
Episode 1

Mother Jones Speaks
Mother Jones visited the Edwardsville Illinois tornado damaged Amazon Hub warehouse where 6 workers died to raise hell about the lack of support that the workers received after the disaster. She called the unsafe warehouses mausoleums. She said...
Season 1
Episode 6

Mother Jones says a wildfire is coming!
Loretta Rymer Williams channels Mother Jones as she provides great wisdom while comparing the slavery of old to the slavery of modern times. She documents periods in our history where the bosses could get away with murder and how we are facing ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Dead Miners Day
This Podcast takes place in Union Miners' Cemetery in Mt. Olive Illinois, it is the only union owned cemetery in the USA. General Alexander Bradley speaks at annual celebrations of the UMWA members who were killed in a gun battle in Virden Illi...
Season 1
Episode 4

David Hatfield tells of his famous relative, Sid Hatfield
David Hatfield, of the well known Hatfield and McCoy feud, recounts his family history, his relationship to folk hero Sid, the gun battle that led to his trial and his eventual murder on the courthouse steps of the courthouse in Logan county We...
Season 1
Episode 3

Mother Jones speaks on her birth, her life, and her final resting place
Loretta Rymer Williams, the only Mother Jones re-enactor to have performed at the location of MJ birth and at her final resting place, uses Irish supplied story boards to recount the hardship in Ireland that drove her brother and father to immi...
Season 1
Episode 2

Mother Jones and the 1898 gun battle in Virden Illinois
Book store owner and historian, John Alexander, recounts the circumstances leading up to the gun battle on October 12, 1898, between mine guards for the Chicago-Virden Coal Company and UMWA members who were locked out of their jobs. His perspec...
Season 1
Episode 1